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EatClub Pay frequently asked questions
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Frequently asked questions
What’s EatClub Pay & why are we so excited?
Why did we make the change?
What’s a walk-in offer and why don’t I need to alert staff that I’m from EatClub?
What rules do I follow to ensure my offer is valid?
What’s the Offer back guarantee if there’s a technical issue with my EatClub card?
What is the EatClub Card and how does it work?
Can I still use the old voucher system?
How do I get my EatClub Card?
Are my (card) details secure?
Can I use my EatClub Pay card on my other smart devices?
Why does google wallet open my normal card when I click “Pay bill”?
General FAQ about casing
Co-founded by
Marco Pierre White
as a way for restaurants to optimise spare capacity and generate predictable revenue.